
My quince is coming up pretty soon and i need a hairstyle! The hard thing about me is that i have alot of hair! What i wanted to do in my hair was have it down with lots of curls, but i want a picture of someone that has it like that. Does anyone know where i can find that kind of picture or a nice hairstyle for a girl with lots of hair? thanks
Posted by Becky; updated 05/13/04


Hi i am going to be in one and i want to wear my hair hat way u said 2. My hair is long and in layers and we have to wear a crown so if u get a pic please send it to me!!!!
Posted by nicky; updated 10/18/04


Hey this thing doesnt work good b-cause i wrote that months ago and i still even had a response so this website doesnt help in nuthin!! my quince already passed and ya didnt help 4get ya!!
Posted by Asley; updated 10/18/04


4real!! that sucks!!!!! did u get to wear ur hair that way u wanted to? still don`t know how to wear mine. All i know is that i want it down
Posted by nicky; updated 10/18/04


Well yea i got it how i wanted but this junk didnt help nobody ever wrote and nobody helps u so i hope ur quince comes out nice or the one u gonna be in ... My bad i have a lot of hair but my curls still looked nice!! ;-)
Posted by Asley; updated 10/18/04


If you were reading this fast enough, you would have seen the website that I left for you guys to see different styles on your own picture. Party Pop doesn`t allow people to leave websites so they keep removing the message so I did leave you help and it was exactly what you were looking for all you had to do was to scan your picture and the site would try different styles of hair on your picture. They tell you how to scan the pictures as well. Read quickly people or you will keep thinking that people are not helping.
Posted by Marisol; updated 10/19/04


W/e u might as well worte it down as a reply since we neva saw anythin so dont be tryin to make it up!
Posted by Asley; updated 10/20/04