Whatever your budget, you or your moh can plan a great party. Not everyone has the same budget for a party but that does not mean money buys a great party. It is being with your friends that truly makes the party not the limo.
1) plan a theme, toga party, slumber party, luau etc. It adds to the fun and gives all of the guests a common bond. There are lots of games that will keep a party lively, pick a couple and have a blast. Laughter is priceless.
2) know your budget, the moh does not have to bear the burdon of cost all by herself. She can always ask for everyone to kick in a little extra loot especialy if there is going to be transportation provided
3) transportation, pick a designated driver or hire a limo or even a van. It will make a HUGE difference in your ability to get to (and from) your party and have fun all along the way. More importantly though, hired transportation will get you home safely and allows everyone to party to the limit.
4) Feeding your guests is important especialy if everyone will be drinking. You can do a resteraunt which will be very expensive or you can have a caterer make up trays for the party. Catering can be very affordable. You may also want to consider making the food yourself. Split up the work by asking some of the guests if they would like to make one of their specialties.
5) for the Bachelorette, it is YOUR party. If your moh lives far away or if she is not exactly the same kind of party animal as you and your concerned that the party will be a flop, GET INVOLVED. Have anoher friend (ie. Fellow party animal) help your moh. It`s your party, your big send off into marital bliss, make sure it`s the party you want it to be.
These are just a few tips and suggestions offered by New York City Hunks dot com www.NYC-HUNKS.COM and LoveHunks.com. We have been providing quality entertainment to women since 1989. If you would like to speak with a rep about planning your party for you please call 1-888-50-HUNKS or e-mail us at support@nyc-hunks.com.
Visit our page for more info: Newyorkcityhunks.com