Unique DIY Anniversary Invitation Ideas!?

Can anyone give me a hand with some unique invitation ideas for my in-laws 25th? We are on a pretty strict budget so it needs to be cost efficient. Please Help! Its in July!!
Posted by Melanie; updated 04/27/04


For my in-laws 25th I made simple but very elegant invites. It was 3 layers. The bottom layer was silver card stock (i used 8.5x11 cut into 3 pieces) the second layer was white paper with all the invite details on it cut slightly smaller than the silver paper and the top layer was vellum paper with a small swirl design cut to fit the silver layer. I put all the layers together and hole punched the top and tied a ribon through. Voila! Done! It is great as it only requires regular postage too!
Posted by Tawnya; updated 05/23/04


For my parents 50th celebration, I used postcards that I bought from the post office. I printed a large gold 50 under the words that gave all the information about the celebration. I found some clip art and put that in the corners. It is easy and not very expensive. You can make them simple or not!! Print the other side with names & addresses and you are done.
Posted by Cheryll; updated 06/08/04