50th Wedding Anniversary For Parents

Help...My brother and I would like to have a party for our parents 50th Anniversary. We have rented a hall and have around 50 people we would like to invite. The cost of doing a buffet dinner and drinks is more than we can handle. We were wondering if anyone had any ideas for a short evening party , say for about 3 hours that included drinks and appetizers or finger foods. We are trying to keep the cost down but do not want to appear cheap. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. THANKS!
Posted by Kris; updated 04/22/04


Have a open house type thing. This way people don`t expect a sit down dinner and do not feel the need to stay the entire time. With busy times people appreciate that.
I don`t think it will look cheap at all. Just have nice decorations and a nice selection of food.
Posted by Sissy; updated 05/09/04