Does any body know a song i can use/play during the entrance of my quinceniera????
Posted by Emma; updated 04/20/04
Sence a quinceanera is kinda like a "coming of age" 4 a latina. Y dont u play britney spears`s "im not a girl"
It says that she`s not a girl, but, no yet a woman eather. Its the perfect song 4 a quinceanera!!
Hope i`ve helped!
Good luck! my god bless u and keep u and make his face 2 shine upon u!!
Posted by quince girl; updated 04/20/04
Play tiempo de vals becuaes the song is saying ..... ( tiempo de vals) and its saying its time for the valz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats what i had
Posted by Vanessa; updated 04/21/04