Im Not Catholic, Wut Shood I Hav Instead Of A

Im not catholic im christian, wut shood i have instead of a mass? i dont think any one at my church has ever even herd of a quinceanera.!! if any one can help, even the slitest bit, please do!!
Posted by quince girl; updated 04/17/04


Hey! well im chrisitan too and yes i was wondering about that to..... What im going to do is a traditonal 15 party without the mass.... Thats all i can say, hope i helped
Posted by Audi; updated 04/19/04


Thanks. But i want a service i just dont know wut i should hav instead of a mass. But like i said thank u sooooooooo much for trying
Posted by quince girl; updated 04/19/04


For mine if I might get a copy of a Catholic mass and change it around alittle bit to fit my religion (Free-Will Baptist). There is a website you can go to for a copy of it but I am not sure of what it is. If you want email me or something and I will look it up. Loco_1961@juno .com
Posted by Ducky; updated 04/19/04


Sure! thanks DUCKY, if u find the web site. Plz post it
Posted by quince girl; updated 04/20/04