Advice Please
Hey guys, im turning 15 in 3 months, and i`ve started planning but i haven`t really like decided on anythign yet. A couple of days ago my mom had an idea for me to maybe have a sweet 16 instead, but like quinceanera style because she said by then my grandma will be here to see it.. And i think another reason also is because my parents are having economic problems, even though my mom didn`t tell me that reason. But she said if i wanted a quince, then i`ll have a quince but i shoudl start planning and stuff right away. So i just wanted to know what you guys thought, shoudl i have a quince or sweet 16?
Posted by Olga; updated 04/14/04
Well obviously if your fam is having economic probs now then go with the sweet 16so it will be even better and you will have more money to have a bigger party.
Posted by nikki g; updated 04/14/04