Quinceneara Themes
I`m interested in getting some ideas for quinceneara themes. My first daughter will be having hers in August 2004 and I want to start planning now.
Please give me any ideas you may have. Thx
EI - San Antonio
Posted by Evelia; updated 04/13/04
Hi everyone,
My QuinceaƱera is coming up soon, and I need the list of padrinos and madrinas if anyone can e-mail it to me please at dude0191@comcast.net. Also, I would like to know if you have to have a theme `cause I seriously don`t want one. For those of you who need help with how many chambelanes you should have, or whether or not to have damas here`s what I think:
I think 7 chambelanes are good (6 average and 1 of honor) I think that even though most people don`t have damas they should have them. Seriosly if you want them have them, just if you want them to not have a lot of attention get them a very simple dress. Bye for now,
Posted by Jenny; updated 04/13/04
I am intrested in a Mardi Gras theme quince. My niece is having one and I am trying to look around to help out my sister n law.
Thank You
Posted by Michelle Lomas; updated 02/17/09