Reem Acra "Sumptuous" Wedding Gown

After Looking through tons of pictures and trying on Reem Dresses. I have chosen Reems Dress called Sumptuous. I am trying to locate this dress at a more reasonable price. So if anyone is wearing this dress and wanting to sell it after their wedding I would be very interested in purchasing it from them or if anyone knows where a sample can be purchased please let me know. I have looked at sites on the web that sell samples and have been unable to locate it... Thank you for your time in reading this posting and any help you might be able to give me in my search for this dress.
Posted by Amber; updated 04/09/04


Were you able to find Reem Acra`s Sumptuous dress? I am desparately trying to find one, please let me know if you are looking to sell yours or know of a boutique that still has it. Thank you!
Posted by Sarah; updated 08/02/06