Wanted: Bonny #138 And/Or Opinions

Hello! I am looking for a Bonny bridal gown #138. I am also curious as to what other people thought who have tried this dress on/wore it for their wedding. Just overall thoughts if you`ve worn the dress! And anyone who might have one.....Take care all!
Posted by Eliza; updated 04/01/04


Email me dream_maker601@yahoo.com
Posted by Alexa; updated 04/02/04


There`s a brand new bonny 138 on ebay right now
Posted by BB; updated 04/02/04



Thank you for your response! I went to look on Ebay as you suggested and I could not find #138 for the life of me! Could you please tell me what the item number is on ebay if you get a chance?? Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks.
Posted by Eliza; updated 04/02/04