PrOm DrEsSeS 4 BiGgEr GirLs

Hey, im 18- and its my senior prom. All my friends are like size 2 and im a size 26. Ive looked all over the internet and couldnt find dresses that are cute for less than 300 dollars. I want something just like the smaller girls wear, but its so hard to find anything im getting ready to give up and not go. If ANYBODY has any ideas then let me know. Ive been everywhere- even drove 2 hours to another town to look at a "big store" and couldnt find anything. Well let me know if you can help. Thanks.
Posted by Sara; updated 03/30/04


I was just at a site , they may be able to help. I know how you feel, my MOH in my wedding is a big girl too and I am having a hard time trying to find a dress for her that will flatter her and not break her bank account. Good luck!
Posted by Brandy; updated 03/30/04


Try a bridal shop. Bridesmaid dresses are usually very much formal and can be used for a prom. They have larger sizes as well.
Posted by Caryl; updated 04/12/04


Hey don`t get so down I`m looking for a dress too. For my Millitary Ball and I found a site called SydneysCloset try there also if you`re in Texas and near Austin there`s a store at Linciln Village called Special Occasions I`m a 24 and had luck there in the past.
Posted by amanda; updated 10/09/04


Well hi to all the ladies that want to get cute for that special moment well you should check out dresses for me .com it gives variety of dresses
Posted by kisi; updated 09/03/05