Adan Sanchez

Well am turning 16 and i would love if someone could give me info on Adan Sanchez how to get him for my party . Please Please if you now something contact me. Cauz I realy love him .
Posted by Daisy; updated 03/29/04


I really cant beilieve that adan sanchez is not here anymore i really loved him and will always love him i am his #1 fan and im really sad and want to wish the best to la familia sanches de todo corazon lo cento mucho pero hes in a better place and with his dad that he really needed so we all love you adan and you will always live alive in my heart and mind i loe you adan chalino sanchez y i m sorry that hes no here to make it to your partys he would have loved too.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!iI LOVE YOU ADAN RIP
Posted by destiny; updated 03/29/04