Tearful Quinceanera
``Tearful Quinceanera``
Inside a wooden chest,
Lies all of was once her dreams and illusions
Inside lies her ultima muneca, her glistening tiara, and her sparkling pink dress
She opens the chest,
And starts to cry
She had everything ready
From her dress to tiara to her ballroom and arreglos
She was waiting for June the 14th
Counting the hours, the minutes, the seconds
She couldn`t believe the day was almost here already
But on June the 8th,
Her dreams and illusions were taken away
And worse of all her most precious gift left without saying goodbye
God chosed to take her dad that day
It been two years
And yer she longs for her special celebration
But it won`t happen
Not ever,
Because for her,
A quinceanera is too impossible
Her mom is never there,
She`s always working and struggling
And here dad is not there to help them out
Nobody is there to hear her anger and incosolent crying
She wishes for her 15th
For her court of 14th
For her elaborate salon
She wishes for the dance and celebracion,
But most of all,
For her family and friends
Showering her with best wishes and congraculations
But it will never happen,
For there is a lack of money
But the pain will always strike her,
With every court of honor she sees,
Every baile sopresa she sees,
With every quinceanera she attends
So she closes her chest for one more time,
And steps back and sighs
Realizing that it will never happen
Her time ya paso,
And she must learn to let go
She will never be a quinceanera
( this is copyrighted.. An original by issyy))
Posted by Issy; updated 03/28/04
That is so sad:.(
Posted by christina; updated 03/30/04