My quince is in december and my dress is going to be a lavender color. And my damas are going to be gold or a different purple color I still havent decided. And i still have no idea what my theme should be . Any sugestions would help.
Posted by Ann; updated 03/26/04
Ann a theme you should consider are stars. You could have the lavendar color with gold stars. You should make your damas dresses gold. And my quinceanera is 12-11-04 too. Thats wierd.
Posted by beverly; updated 03/27/04
Angels are always a good theme. Soft lilac works well with the purple. Silver also goes with purple, but gold is much more "royal".
Posted by DJfan; updated 03/27/04
Your quince is in december right? You could probably do snow flakes and crystal. Just think of what you like best. It could be any thing. What ever you think of there is always a way to make it happen. Hope this helps. Good Luck and Best Wishes.
Posted by Veronica; updated 03/31/04
Hey for your damas you should get light purple because my cousin had her quinceanera and I was her dama her colr was lavendor and mine was light purple and for the theme of your vals you should do "TIEMPO DE VALS" by chayenne well I hope my help would help you.
Posted by lupita; updated 04/01/04
Hey i just wanted to thank you all. All of your sugestions helped out alot.
Posted by Ann; updated 04/03/04