Help Please !!! Boyfriend Or Brother ??

Hey everyone well the reason i am doing this is beacuse i am not sure who to pick for my chambelon my whole family wants to get my brother who is 17 and a big mess up ... And then again i want my boyfriend to come out in it and he said he would but its on me and my brother is tripiin cuz he wants to be in and be the center or attention to all homies and his fake crew cf i dont know what to do my quince is in 6 mon .... Help please anyone thanks
Emial me at
Posted by yessica; updated 03/24/04


I really think ur bro shuld be tha main one...but it also depends of how big of a mess up he is and if hes only doing it for the wrong reasons...but just know that ur bro will always be in ur life...becuz he family and ur boyfriend might be there today and its not gunna be guaranteed that hes gunna be there n tha long run...that way when u think bak to that one special day of ur life u can remember that it was ur brother that escorted u on ur day!! just wanna say that and i wish u all the good luck on ur 15!! hope it turns out beautiful!!
Posted by crystal; updated 03/25/04


I think that your brother should be but if you really don`t want your brother in it you can get one of your cousins or a close family friend!!!!!!!!
Posted by Flor; updated 03/25/04