Muchacha De 15 Anos -Liberacion
Does anyone know the lyrics to it? please let me know!! i been searchin alot
Posted by issy; updated 03/23/04
It`ll come up on yahoo if you type muchacha de quince años liberacion lyrics or letra.
Posted by Tania; updated 03/23/04
I tried it before and i justr did and i can`t find anything! i tried google,lycos, every search engine u can imagine! Yall please help me out!! Thanks a lot!
Love issy
Posted by Issy; updated 03/25/04
Here they are:
Muchaca de 15 años
Como ha pàsado el tiempo
Cuando eran de muñecas
Tus regalos mas preciados
Que viviamos de iluciones
De lo que ivas a estudiar
Te contaba tus pasitos
Como lo iva yo a olvidar.
Muchacha de 15 año
Como ha pasado el tiempo
Te volviste mi princesa
A los ojos de la gente
Nos volavamos el tiempo del reloj
Y en una sola cancion
Le cantamos al amor.
Ven, arrebatame los años
Te comparto mi experiencia
Para no verte llorar
Pues tu eres la belleza
La ilucion de tus papas.
Ven, regalame un poema
Con tu mala ortografia
Para no olvidar jamás
Que tambien yo soy tu amigo
Y no lo puedo cambiar.
Muchacha de 15 años
Como ha pasado el tiempo
Compartimos travesuras
Nos burlamos de la gente
Nuestros sueños
Como arena de un reloj
Nos poncharon mil pelotas
Y en ellas una ilucion.
Se repite desde la tercer estrofa y al final termina asi:
Si tambien , yo soy tu hermano. (2) veces
Posted by Tania; updated 03/26/04
Hey um yeah go to ok and it tells u the lyrics hope u find it and does any body know any good quince songs cuz mine is coming up well bye
Posted by nancy sandoval; updated 05/09/04
Hey i was wondering if you could tell me why you needed the lyrics to that song. Are you gonna dance it with ur bro. Or wat. And the reason im askin is because i was thinkin bout dancin that with my bros but im not to sure yet here is my email.
Posted by macee; updated 06/14/04
Hey that song gave me a really good idea, and its lyrics are really nice, does ne1 know where i can go to listen 2 it? i wuz thinkin since i have 2 older brothers i could dance wit them 2 it, i would really like 2 have a song where i could dance with my brothers and have it really mean something 2 them like when u dance wit ur dad. I also need a song 2 dance wit my dad 2 so if ne1s got ideas please let me know!
Posted by Maggie; updated 08/10/04
Me gusta mucho esta cancion
Posted by luis alberto; updated 09/20/04