Help..25th Wedding Anniversary Ideas Needed

Help. Me (17 yrs old) and my brother (20 yrs old) are throwing our parents a 25th surprise anniversary party in our backyard in late spring. I was wondering if you would think that it is a good idea or whether it sounds too cheap. We are extremely limited on money and need some ideas to make the outdoors look beautiful and elegant. Please help. Thanks
Posted by Aarti; updated 03/23/04


Hi Aarti!
Me (23) and my brothers(22,16,13,6) are also throwing our parents a surprise party for their 25th anniversary! My theme is a patriotic carnival theme. I wanted this to be a fun and casual atmosphere so I thought back to when they first met, at a local carnival. Ebay is a great source of finding supplies. I was able to get 5 boxes of Icicle lights on ebay for $20 to give a bit of elegance look to my carnival theme. I am making a faux canopy , as well, using lights and was able to find swag lights at Ebay! I was thrilled! Also, you can find MANY great items that can give you a perfect theme! (And its fairly inexpensive.) I`m not sure what your budget is or what you have in mind already....You can also order fun foods (its a carnival supply site) and is also another good party theme site. For food i`d keep it simple. Hotdogs/ Hamburgers, chips, punch, maybe potato salad, baked beans and cupcakes. If you check out your area see if there is a GFS store, they usually have quality bulk food for cheap, or check out Sam`s Club, Bj`s or Costco`s. (Some of these stores you do have to be a member of, but some offer one day passes) And, if you want music you dont have to break the budget for a DJ, just make your own CD`s and keep them as background music. Also you can get pictures into postersize for fairly cheap , which could be a good focal point/as well as a gift to them! I hope this info helps some!
Posted by Dawn; updated 04/06/04


Also, check out your local Dollar stores and Party supply stores. I try to make a round of these stores every 3 weeks or so (since February), and I have hit some fantastic deals. For instance, at a party store that had a clearance sale recently, I picked up a 25th Anniversary banner, silver cardboard decoration, and "bride" and "groom" plastic shotglasses on beaded necklaces for $6.50 total! We`ve also been buying some of the non-perishables (soda, chips, pretzels, etc) when they`ve gone on sale. Those 2/for sales are fantastic at grocery stores. Watch your local store fliers and you should be able to get some nice bargains.
Above all, don`t feel that you *have* to do this all on your own. My brother and I are also throwing a surprise party. We`ve recruited our aunt to help with some of the storage and cooking, friends of my brother`s for help setting up, my brother`s work for use of some long tables and chairs, and friends of mine for decorating help and supply spotting (when they`re shopping and see something, they call and find out if we need it - we just reimburse them). You can print invitations from your computer; Office Max stores are closing. If you have one in your area, you can get greeting card envelopes there for 50% off (or even more % off!) I`ve also learned that if you use the "bar code" feature on your MS Word when you`re printing addresses on envelopes, you can save a few pennies on mass mailing. Every penny helps.
Also, don`t feel that every little piece at the party has to reflect the "theme" - that is, not every plate has to say "25th Anniversary" or even be silver. Those things get expensive. Buy the "essentials" (plates, napkins, silverware) in bulk - why pay $4 for 25 silver forks when you can get 100 clear plastic forks for $1.00? Point is, you don`t have to buy everything the weekend before the party. Start picking up the things that won`t go bad whenever they go on sale or go down in price. You`ll save yourself some headaches later on (and there`s less of a chance of forgetting something crucial!) Hope this helps, good luck and feel free to contact me at any time!
Posted by Kris; updated 04/06/04


It`s not cheap...Me(23) and My brother (21) are throughing a party in the backyard...Barb-Q style. My parents already know about it so it`s not a surprise...but they will spend the entire day at a day spa while we take care of all the details...We are going for casual, but are still planning on white table cloths w/ silver center pieces...Also I am in the middle of making a cd-rom slide show out of their old pictures then taking it some place that will add music and make it into a nice little film...sure to make my mom cry.
Posted by Nina; updated 04/06/04