Adan Sanchez

Well am turning 16 and i would love if someone could give me info on Adan Sanchez how to get him for my party . Please Please if you now something contact me. Cauz I realy love him .
Posted by Daisy; updated 03/19/04


Ok, so whats up with adan? anyone able to get him? im turning 15 in january of next yr(2005) and i would raelly want him there. Is whta you gurlz are saying true or ur just bullshitting? if NAYONE has ANY info on him and if i could get him for a private party let me no PLZ!!!! i love adan,having him for my 15 would make my freams come tru. Well if anyone knows reply or e-mail me at

Posted by alisa; updated 03/19/04


Is mine girl mine i tell you
Posted by Angie; updated 03/27/04


Girls im sorry, but it seems like neighter one is goin to b able to have him. I cant believe this, it just cant go throough my head that hes dead!!!! i ...oh my god i dont know what to say...
Posted by alisa; updated 03/28/04


Wow im pretty sure that if he was life he would 2 each and every one of urz quince wow r.i,p el compita adan chalino sanchez
We will always rember u and u will always be in r heart i git his pic on my bakpak it looks so kool have a friend who dose it 4 free i got the hook up want it holla at me and u will get it
Dont wrry ppl we will be able 2 see him again we r all going the same wayyy
Posted by jaz; updated 04/15/04


I feel so sad that he left us here alone with out him. I felt very sad the day of his birth day when he was going to be 20 years old. How sad he had to leave, but that`s how life is sometimes. Well i will always remember him and i will always will have him in my heart.
Posted by shy Girl; updated 04/16/04