
Im doing my 15 and i don`t want to go to church and my mom said alright but my dad is mad cause thats not the way it supposed to be and i don`t want to go please help me!!!
Posted by BABYGIRL; updated 03/18/04


Totally agree with you Rig.YOU COULDNT HAVE SAID IT BETTER!! Its sad to see these kids with no respect nowadays. The least she could do is give her father his wish. He is paying for it all. Not to mention, she has put the LORD last :( . But like you said, its now a 15th birthday, not a Quinceanera.
Posted by Debb; updated 03/18/04


Be thankful God has given you as much time as you`ve had, and one day you`ll hope you were in church a little more than you ever wanted to be.
Posted by liz; updated 04/14/04