The Ceremony
Can a quinceƱera/Sweet 16 ceremony be held at a Free Will Baptist church?
Posted by Danalyne; updated 03/17/04
Can anyone help me?
Posted by Danalyne; updated 03/18/04
Im not sure about that. A quinceanera is a CATHOLIC tradtion. I doubt that the baptist church will know anything about a Quinceanera.
Posted by Debb; updated 03/18/04
Yeah I thought it might but my preacher used to be Catholic he may understand... I think I am going to talk to him and see if he can do anything for coming of age.
Posted by Danalyne; updated 03/18/04
It will be hard. Yes, it`s really a Catholic tradition BUT, if your not Catholic I can`t see why you still can have a Quince. Finding a church will be difficult. This was my problem. The Catholics won`t let you have it at their church because you have to go through THEIR guidelines (CCD classes, etc). The Baptist won`t let you have it in their church because they don`t believe in all the partying that comes after the service. So, what did I do? I`m having it in chapel. One good thing I was able to find reverened (father) to do the ceremony. We will be having my daughter`s quince in less then a month. She`s been a good daughter and she loves Jesus. What a better way to confess her faith? You can overcome these small problems with a little work.
God Bless!!!
Posted by Jeannette; updated 03/23/04
Thanks for the help but is Free Will Baptist really differant from Baptist because I am Free Will and I believe in God, Jesus, and St. Mary (I dont really have a true religion) I just believe and follow. I hope your daughters party goes Greatly. Good Luck.
Posted by Danalyne; updated 03/25/04