Main Dama Dancing Problems

Hey I am to be in a quinceƱera in October and the dance includes a sopresa that I CANT DO! I am going to be the only white girl in the party and I dont know how to do those dances. I dont have good beat and I can dance to mexican music very well. The dance is Pachate and Regge I am nervous because the 1st practice is on Sunday. Do any of yaw have tips or anything that will help me out? Please. And thanks in advance!
Posted by Danalyne; updated 03/17/04


Just remember this with latino music its mostly all in the hips
Posted by jennifer; updated 03/17/04


Thanx for the tip I wish my hips were bigger though. Lol but I will practice with my hips.
Posted by Danalyne; updated 03/17/04


Anymore tips?
Posted by Danalyne; updated 03/18/04


Hey well u can also use ur arms but mainly ur hips and a little of ur legs like bend them in i dont think u understand me but just try ur hardest
Posted by Val; updated 03/22/04


Just loosen up a little!
Posted by Ramona; updated 03/23/04


Its hard to loosen up. I have already practiced with her alone though.
Posted by Danalyne; updated 03/25/04


DONT BE SCARED, feel the music in ur body and go with that especailly with your hips like they said also your try to step like twice with ur feet. Get me, well hope this helped.
Posted by Brianna; updated 03/25/04


Hey dance tips...
With every beat amke a move just go nd flow with it, you will be fine, and you being nervous, well every1 is like that before they dance its just part of life
Posted by amanda; updated 05/11/04