Boy Problem Help!

How do u get a boy 2 like u? I have never had a boyfriend in my life how embaressing!!! Ahhh!!!! Well any ideas write back hurry
Posted by unknown; updated 03/09/04


Hey girl! I have a hopless crush on this really cute boy, but then i never talk to him. He will never no how i feel if i never talk to him. So, u should TALK TO THE BOY! (then again, i should probably take my own advice) also, don`t try to be preppy in front of him, trust me, it won`t work! so, just strike up a conversation and be nice to him! tata and hope i helped! teehee!
Posted by Erica; updated 03/09/04


Thanks a bunch!!!!
Posted by laurie/unknown; updated 03/10/04


How to get a boy to like you hum.............. Very simple flirt with him but dont make it oviouse like make eye contact try to hug him when you see him tuch him for no reason call him on the phone and sweet talk him call him sweet names and try to be close to him but dont sweat him cuz the he`s gona know ooh gurl i can go own for ever but this are some simple things trust me it REALLY REALLY WORKS or else i would still be single ; )
Posted by sTePhAnIe; updated 05/30/04


KK, although I already responded, Im gonna do it again, okay? first of all, your actions should depend on the kind of guy it is you are crushing upon. Its also not neccessarily getting the boy to like you for a fake, its for him to like you for who you don`t go plastering on your most expensive makeup and an outfit from Mariposa or anything. Just be youself! and if the guy doesnt like you for that, he is probably self-absorbed or whatnot. Now, lets talke this incident out of my life *the names have been changed FYI* Okay so one day, Jake* who`s locker is next to mine got a *paperclip from *Aaron, whos locker is next to *Jake.(and i am "head over heals" for *Jake) Although my locker is closer to *Jake`s, *Jake offers it to *Amanda, one of the most popular people in our grade. However, this really upset me, so i started making small conversations, mostly dragging my friend *Erika, into them. Anyways, it paid off, because when *Aaron gave *Jake a *stapler a few weeks later, instead of going around me to get to *Amanda, he gave it too me! it may not seem big, but for sum1 who does not normally"bring in the guys" it was great! So, yeah! also, you it is not so bad being means you can flirt w/ more guys and ten when you find someone you really like, stop flirting with everyone else, and just pay attention to that guy. And for a quick blurb on flirting, dont do it too noticeably, at least, if you were in my case, I wouldnt! and also, if you have a guy friend and a guy your crushing on, dont flirt too heavily with the crush, cos the friend may seem kinda "left out", get waht im saying? and i guess to win a guys attention (at least) you have to be purdy, but i dunno, thats just wat *Erika said anyways, so yeah, but i dunno. Flirting may not be the way to go as well, i mean, you may just want to play it cool or you may just be friendly! Oh, and before I leave, maybe a couple new outfits now and then wouldnt be such a bad idea cos i got a new outfit from ROSS of all places (a hand-me-down-store) for 28 bucks including tax,and i got so many compliments! so yeah, don`t always go for designer clothing, because they may not win you all of the compliments or anything. And dont be too preppy, cos it could get you the wrong attention. And with makeup/show clothing, be carefull, cos guyz may think that you are older than you actualy are, and yeah, ill let ur creative mind ponder what would happen next!

G2g to my aunt/uncles house, but maybe ill write more later, but right now, i am fresh out of good luck!
Posted by Emily; updated 05/31/04


So boy broplems hu ............ You have the same problem i have ive never had a boyfriend ether untill noe all i can say is to be yourself and try to act normal around him but also dont act all that arond your crush try to talk to him little by little have small conversations try to see him as often as you can but dont wait untill he likes you what if he aredy dose you just dont know it itz not alwayz up to the boys to do the 1st move girlz have to do the 1st move sometimes so maby when you see him say something like ( i have to talk to you ) or (i have someting to tell you ) and if he dont understand he justaint yor tipe and if he say no dont worry itz all good there are more fish in the sea what im trying to say is there are more better and cuter guys than just him but just a little tip dont sweat him dont be with him 24/7give him some space cuz if you dont he is gona know that you have a crush on him or he is gona get suspiciouse so thats about it girl i`ll tryto write more laterz so hopully what i said has helped you a bunch and just try to be your self thats bout it girl hope you get wat you want luv vanessa A*K*A soccer chick
; )
Posted by vanessa; updated 05/31/04


Hey ok, i have one simple little bit of advice that will help u throughout yoiur entire life... FEET TURN GUYS ON!!! so whenever u walk by a crush, simply say in a cute voice, "wanna clip my toenails?" they will respond by smacking u on the buttocks and then throwing off your shoes and loving u forever. Worked for me!
Posted by Allouge; updated 05/31/04


Thatz a lame idea dont listen to her thats stupid and dumn that will just get a guy to ( UN ) like you dont lisen to her go with my idea trust me itz better than saying ( clip my toe nails ) come on get real just think about it like lamo just go with my idea clip my to nails lol that funny cuz itz stupid luv vanessa a*k*a soccer chick
Posted by vanessa; updated 05/31/04

Reply idea works smart patoot!! just you try it. It worked for me!! why do you think i would be making out with a foot massager right now??!
Posted by allouge; updated 06/08/04


The best advice you can ever do and take is be yourself around the guy you like Why? because if he starts liking you it isnt the real you who he likes its the person your trying to be. Also sometimes if you dont act yourself they dont like you cause your trying to be sumone else. So dont act like someone else. Boys dont like that ( I`ve tried)So be yourself because if they dont like you for who you really are Too Bad there missing out on you(thats wut i always say) and You shouldnt be someone else jsut for a guy thats a wrong reason but all girls act different around guys ,well I mean EVERY girl has acted not there selves atleast ONCE around a guy. Its just a girl thing that happens. If you need anything else just email me at and in the subject put Boy Help Plz okay so I know it was from this. I hope I helped someone thanx. I will write again soon. Bye! Good Luck with your crush and give me Luck to plz Thanx Bye!
Posted by Tiffany; updated 09/13/04


To Auggue. UmMmmMMMMM I promise you got lucky on the feet thing so people never try that they will thanky our crazy I jsut knwo so dont do that okie dokie ok
Posted by Tiffany; updated 09/14/04


Uh, ok, just forget about Tiffany because she OBVIOUSLY doesnt have a boyfriend!! I mean, the only hot guys respond to the sexy toes thing. Believe me. It works, ok, ok? ok. IT DoES i ALWAYS say "wanna rub my STANKY feeet?" and the boys come to my feet drooling.
Posted by Allouge; updated 09/16/04


Obviosly you dont have a boyfriend and if you did he is probaly and nerd and u jsut despaerate beacuse a nerd is all u can get I have had many boyfriends and right now I have one so back off. I dare someone to go say that to a boy and come back and say wut happens and no one will I bet this Auggue is gonna write something saying she si someone else and say it works I bet ya a million bucks ya know so dont listen to the feet thing cuz u do the feet thing u gonna end up wit a nerd and also auggue i know wut im tlaking about so shut up
Posted by Tiffany; updated 09/16/04


Okay, alluge or w/e your name is! The foot thing DID NOT WORK FOR ME, and i am not sure why it would work for anyone else either! I have a perfectly hot bf andd hes super sweeet, and i can tell you one thing, i did not get to kiss him the first time by asking him to clip my toenails, okay? I just acted my shy self around him, and he likes me for that, so ya no, the best advice anyone can ever give *and i c that they have* is to just be yourself, becuase, OBVIOUSLY that works, okie? Okie. I met the guy i`m going w/ online, and my parentz werent v. Happy about it when i met him and they didn`t no about it, so girl who needs help w/ boys, let me tell you, DO NOT GO MEETING GUYS W/OUT YOUR PARENTS is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS,becuase people can just make up identies on the internet, and they can be whoever they want to be? Okay, so play it safe and good luck girlfriend!
Posted by McKenna; updated 09/25/04


OKIE? OKIE. OKIE OKIE OKIE OKIE OKIE. Gosh u sound like a freaking 2nd grader. No wonder you met your boyfriend online. Htats pretty sad by the way. I guess u dont have sexy feet because if ur boyfriend didnt go for that then you must be pretty weird. No, if he didnt go for taht, then you AND him must be pretty odd. I mean, all of the guys who i`ve gone out with have gone for the toenail thing and i`m still using it to hook up with guys. ANYWAYS... Mcdonald or whatever your name is..i dont know why ur telling people to be safe when u met a guy..ONLINE? weirdo! boys have coooties
Posted by Allouge; updated 09/25/04


Listen everyone I have the best advice okay but not actually thinking auggue sometimes the feet thing might work if you have pretty feet but if u dont dont tryit okay well email me if ya need help bye o yeah mckenna ur weird
Posted by Tiffany; updated 09/25/04


Geesh, chill abit! And whats wrong w/ meeting someone online...its not like I met him in a chat room or anythiing, god, don`t go assuming things. And what`s freaking sad about it? haha, I`m thinking the only one here weird would be you, okay? *myb i am too, but wth* at least i HAVE a bf i`m HAPPY with and hes HAPPY with me too. I`m telling them to be safe online becuase if they ever go MET IN PERSON then somebody could get hurt if like the guy was a child molester or something. Tiffany- Why am I weird????
Posted by McKenna; updated 09/26/04


Okay, yah no waht, allouge? I`m glad the foot thing worked for you, but i guess that my bf and i jsut have enuf sense to no foot things are weird. And ya no y i did it??? becuz of the message you posted, saying it worked. Yah, well, my feet are just fine thank you. Maybe you jsut have super-nice feet, but i don`t think many ppl can hook up w/ a guy by asking about their feet, okay?? REally,all you need to do is be yourself!
Posted by McKenna; updated 09/26/04


See people i told yall this just b yourself and mckenna i didnt mean to put ur weird i meant to put auggue was weird sorry but b ur self i dont think it would work the feet thing but it might but i tihnk auggue is lying and trying to get people to embrasse themselves well ummm i am getting off so i will b on later bye good luck wit everything to everyone
Posted by Tiffany; updated 09/26/04


Tiffany and whoever else on this page replying to everyone... Mckenny or whatev. Ur name is...what this person is telling u is right. I used this approach on my bf and he`s lovin it. This was before i read this page. I just said to him; "Hey baby, wanna give me some FOOT action?! come over here and rub my toenails!!" anyway it worked and i`m here to tell everyone that "alloge" or whatever her name is, is actually telling u something that worked for me. Guys are turned on by feet. Toenals more than feet.
Posted by V-V; updated 09/26/04