Invitation Etiquette?
I`m one-half of a planning committee for a surprise 25th anniversary party. The party is in early summer, but we`re starting to compile a guest list. Because our budget is tight, we`re trying to limit our number of invitees. Our family falls into one of two categories: those who live in the immediate area, and those who don`t but would be able to make the trip in a day or weekend.
Our guest list right now tops out at 104 people. Naturally, we`ll have some no-shows, but with our luck we`ll get 90 yesses when we`re only hoping for about 50-65! Is there some sort of etiquette for these sorts of invitations? What I mean is, if we don`t invite the relatives who live more than 6 hours away, would that be considered rude? Also, it is necessary to invite guests out of common courtesy, even if you don`t think they`re going to come because they rarely if ever show up at any of your other family functions, and you`re never invited to theirs? Our family has fractured over the years, and I`d hate to be the cause of additional hostility all because we want to throw a nice party on a shoestring budget. Any advice or pointers are very very very much appreciated! Thanks!
Posted by Kris; updated 03/08/04
That`s a toughie, as most are. Typically, 60% of people you invite to a function RSVP yes, and then an additional 10 or so don`t show. Thus you`ll get the turn out that you want/need. However, there are always exceptions to the rule.
I`d invite everyone you are intending to and ask them to RSVP relatively soon. Then, you can plan from there as the number of guests planning to come and how much you have to spend.
It`s not easy to determine a final count of an event until the final day; however, the standard is around 60-75% of those you invite will come.
Good luck!
Posted by Kay; updated 03/10/04