I have been to alot of 15 and it usually always ends in a big fight. I dont want anything to happen in my 15. I have friends who claim different stuff and i dont know who to invite cuz i know that if i invite people from different gang im sure a fight will go down.
Posted by ana; updated 03/07/04
Hey. I know exactlly what your talking about. A lot of my friends claim different stuff. See Im just having a small quince so i just decided not to invite a lot of those guys. But...i dont know, maybe just invite the people you know will get along. I asked some of my friends to please not get into any fights because my bday really means a lot to me, maybe if you just ask them nicely they`ll respect it and get along for a day. I really dont no im still trying to figure it out myself.
Posted by juliet; updated 03/07/04
Just invite people that you believe wont start stuff and if you see someone is gonna get in a fight just say something cuz that is what happened at my quince i told everyone that was going to go I WANT NO PROBLEMS and theri wasnt if someone told me you know what ima fight someone i begged them not too and they didn`t cuz they have respect for the quince just choose who you invite and be careful
Posted by Marina; updated 03/11/04
Hello everyone,
I`ve deejayed hundreds of quinceaneras, and I will tell you, a lot has to do with the music.
I refuse to play "gangsta-rap" style music if I see the levels are rising, even when a quince requests violent music, typically i will warn them upfront.
Having played at clubs, and seen the results of gangster rap, I advise anyone to stay away from it. All my music is "clean" radio edits, but if the songs is ringing in your head, it will click and potentially start some fights.
Not saying you can`t play your favorite hip hop, just saying balance it out and if a fight breaks out, HAVE THE DJ TURN OFF THE MUSIC and tell them over the microphone in a nice way, to please stop the nonsense. That would send the message that what they are doing is wrong.
Have fun you all!
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Posted by Rig; updated 03/11/04