Lazaro Dress Wanted!

I really want a lazaro LZ2593 or LZ4023. Please let me know if you have one for sale. I will buy it asap!

Posted by dar; updated 03/04/04


Look on Ebay.. Search for "lazaro" this is how I just bought my dress and got a really great deal on it.. I suggest that you look at least twice a week becuase things are added on there all the time.. . They just added a few more of his dresses..Good Luck
Posted by amber deatherage; updated 03/04/04


I have a Lazaro LZ4023, it is a size 8 in white. I am 5`4" and had on 2" heels. Only wore it once of course and right after had it professionally clean and package up. Please let me know if this is of interest to you.
Posted by cindy williams; updated 03/20/14