Idea`s For A 17-Year-Old Bride????
HELP!! My brother is getting married in May and his bride-to-be is only 17 and a senior in high school. (She`s not pregnant!) I am the MOH and don`t know how to plan this. She`s under 18 so she can`t get into a comedy club. It will have to be a party at home or at a hotel, I assume, but I don`t want it to be all about a stripper and penis shaped candy. She`s not like that. I need ideas! HELP! I am in the Peoria, IL area.
Posted by Lucie; updated 03/01/04
How about a day of pampering. Hire two manicurists, two massage therapists, and maybe two individuals that provide mini facials, waxing, etc
Rent a hotel suite, order some chocolate covered strawberries, rent some old and current movies. You and the girls can relax, laugh, and chat about girl things.
I hope this helps.
Posted by Cynthia; updated 03/02/04
Oh I forgot to say start off at home, cook the brides favorite meal and have everyone help (even if it`s pizza).
Blindfold her and drive her to her day of pampering.
Posted by Cynthia; updated 03/02/04