Should I Have Damas

Sup everyone! well i have a question and i was wondering if someone can help me answer it i`m gonna have my quinceanera in July of 2004 and i`m thinking about having damas, my mom says that if i have them they will take away the attention from me the day of my party and i don`t know if that is true. I`m confused a=can someone help me! thanx
Posted by Joana; updated 02/16/04


I really appreciate your comments and stuff. My mom decided for me to go alone with my chambelan, or I could go with a few of my closest friends. I don`t know what to do. The thing for sure is that there will not be any chambelanes. I dont know if i should still have damas even if they wont dance and stuff. PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!
Posted by Alex; updated 02/16/04


Well my cousin for her quniceanera she had only boys but all the boys were like it look so boring without the girls b/c van estar valciando ellos solos and they would be nobody with them dancing but i think it looks much better with girls and boys tis your decision choose what you want and tell me how it goes

W/b to
Posted by Krissly; updated 02/16/04


Hey! well i think that u should have damas becuz they won`t take the attention way from your day. I mean ur turning 15 and everyone will b focused on u, it`s kinda hard not to. As far as ALEX and her problem: it would actually b cool just to have only a couple of your close friends. My quinceanera is in less than two weeks and i decided instead of having 7 or 14 damas, i`m having 3 and it`s working out fine. I don`t have chamballanes either and me and my three girls (for the baile sorpresa) decided on doing "baby boy". It`s cool trust me!
Posted by rebeca; updated 02/16/04


I think you should have girls. My daughter is having 14 damas and no chambelans. These are friends, and family members that have been there with her growing up. I think everyone forgets the REAL meanings of all the quince traditions. I am not allowing her to pick chambelans, friends at school that WASNT a part of her 14 years of life. Remember the meaning behind it all!!
Posted by Debb; updated 02/18/04


Hi...joana, that sounds alot like what happened with me...the things people told is less of a hassel to have just boyz...also thats what i did...and i understand that every is just looking out for you by saying that stuff about the attention...but to be honest it did feel kinda weird having boys in my quince hitting on my friends when they where out of a beautiful gown...ssoooo u know it can be kinda out there if they where actually in the be honest i did feel a little lonely at my own party cuz i think every one jsut assumed i had someone to hang out out with...and the guy i wanted to be left with was hanging out with others even though he was there in the origional and go with the no damas there`s no shame in that!!!! Also it wasn`t necessarily decided already for me ...but my best friends was gonnna be a way during rehersals and so if i couldn`t have her i didn`t waant anyone! But after getting
Over the fact that there wasn`t girls there as part of the dance i didn`t really care it made u feel like more of a princess instead of one of all u`re girls come dressed up for u`re day any way...also my`ne was in july too....july 26th but my b-day was the 27 that sunday after saturday night we had the party...i just had to tell u that cuz there`s alot of similarities! _joanna

P.s. If any of u all have a livejournal my username is joannabloggz so talk to me there about it!~
Posted by Joanna (other); updated 02/19/04


I really do think u should have damas they dont take all the attention away from you if they dont look as good or better than you. But i am sure u will look better trust me!! go with what u think is right but value other peoples opinions.
Posted by ana; updated 02/19/04


Hey everyone, thanx so much for your opinions, i really took ALL of them in consideration and they helped me alot, and i hope that whatever i do it`s the right thing. We started planning it already and everything is going GOOD! i`ll let you guys know how it went. And once again thanx alot!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Joana; updated 02/21/04