

I reside in the Denver, CO area and willing to hire a
Student or a non-professional photographer
For my wedding (just so that I can keep the cost down).
Does anyone have any recommendations?

Thank you.

Posted by Anika; updated 02/15/04


Anika try and contact colleges with photography. Maybe the professor could help find someone, I know the students have to do projects and stuff so maybe they could shoot your wedding. Just a thought, hope this helps.

Posted by melissa; updated 02/15/04


It`s very Nice to know this web-site and find what exactly thing I`m Looking for! I`m Pastor sanken kelly,i will like you to get in touch with me in regards to the availability on Oct 28 2004,And I would be glad if you can be the Photographer for my Birthday which will take place in (VA),am presently in U.K For the preparation of my Birthday and won`t be back until one week before the date of the Birthday for some necessary preparations.Furthermore,I just want to know how you will prepare your self down for the Birthday B`cos I am invited the Magazine Marketing Company from U.K that will come for the Essential Coverage for the event I will like to know if you will accept cashier cheque for payment b`cos my mode of payment will be through Cashier Cheque...So please let me know your availability and Price Per Hour as for five Hour`s.Looking forward to read back from you. ! Thanks. N.B...I will pay for the travel fees expenses to Centre Cross VA.
Posted by sanken; updated 10/01/04