How Hany...
How many songs can I have for my quincen?
Posted by Teen Excuse; updated 02/10/04
Look you hav to dance a paso doble, den a slow dance wit ur father and den you hav to dance any type of music wit da corte de honor
Posted by Laura; updated 02/15/04
What`s a paso doble?
Posted by rebeca; updated 02/16/04
Rebeca el paso double is a dance dat the corte de honor dances along wit da quinceanera dances and she blows out da candles ask the DJ to give you a copy of the song if you hav any other question pliz email me at
Posted by Laura; updated 02/17/04
Hey laura, thanks so much for your help!!!!!!!!i just emailed u with some questions about the paso double (my email is so CHECK UR EMAIL!!!!!! lol!
Thanks again!
Posted by rebeca; updated 02/17/04