Paying For Parents Party

My younger brother and I are planning a 30th wedding anniversary for our parents. As we are both recent college graduates we are on a tight budget. Is it okay to have guest pay for their meals? Of course we would send out nice invitations with their meal choices and prices, but I`m not sure that this is acceptable. Please help.
Posted by Janet; updated 02/10/04


I have no idea what proper etiquette says, but I know my family would be against paying for their own meals at any family function! My brother and I are both still in college and planning a 25th for our parents. We`re finding ways to stretch our budget, such as cooking the food ourselves. We have also recruited a very select few family members (it`s a surprise party) to help with cooking some of the ethnic foods. The party is in 2 months, but we have been watching the sales papers carefully and stocking up on non-perishable items (i.e., soda, plates, silverware, trays) when they are on sale or clearance. Dollar stores are fantastic for these sorts of things, too. If you need more ideas, feel free to email me, I`d love to exchange ideas!
Posted by Kris; updated 04/04/04