About Music And Other Things

Sup people well i had a question about the music there goin to play well im havin a dj,mariachi,and a band named los potrillos del norte i guess thats how u spell well anyways the mariachi is goin to play around the time the guest are eatin and then the band for the baltz but my grandma told the dj to only play spanish and i was a like hell no but of coures they dont listen but should i ask the dj to play english and stuff like that cuz of coures i want to dance to but i hate spanish i could dance it but i dont like to so wat should i do well plz write back thanxs much love x***
Posted by La Tiny; updated 02/08/04


Mami its ur party he should play what u want its ur party no any one elses its kind of like the problem im having my dad wants a mariachi and a grupo but iwant a dj and a grupo. Its my party so i should decide the kind of music and i think u should 2.
Posted by maria; updated 02/10/04


Well thanxs for respondin and i know i should get wats i want anyways well hope u get wat u want hope u have a bomb ass quince take care much love La Tiny!!! if u want ti email me go ahead SrLtns3@aol.com
Posted by La Tiny; updated 02/10/04


U hate spanish! who r u!...have spanish and english....show ur culture b happy ur latina!.,,,i dont like banda but thats ur thing...so have spanish gurl!...it will b the best if u have spanish and english....ur grammy aint gunna dance?..lol jp holla back...
Posted by *Jk*; updated 02/14/04