Quince In...
Hey every1! I was wondering if any1 here has ever had their Quinceanera in Mexico?!?! I`m 14 and mine is coming up this Decmber! If you have please reply on how yours went. Oh my XV is going to b in Oaxaca.
Posted by ~*~Veronica~*~; updated 02/07/04
Hey Veronica-
I had my XV in Michoacan. My b-day`s in July and I had my XV in December. I got there 5 days before. I had to choose the dress in one day. We learneds the vals in 2 days. A lot of my family helped w/ the decorations, food, renting the church and reception. I was really nervous and like that week and b4 I left I was realy upset cuz I missed all my fam and friends from over here, but it turned out great. It was the best day I ever had eberything went awesome and all I did was dance all night. You`ll have fun don`t worry too much. Hope you have fun!
Posted by Tania; updated 02/08/04
Thats really kool! I can`t wait till mine. I`m really looking forward to the practicing of the valz. I still dunno which 1 i`m gonna chose though. I`m going 2 have like 2 weeks to practice it so that`ll b good as for my dress i`m looking around. I cant believe u had 2 find it in 1 day--that must have been tough. Anyways i g2g but thnx 4 replying.
Posted by ~*~Veronica~*~; updated 02/11/04
I`m having mine in mexico too,mexico city, hope yours goes real well email me and tell me how it went at lilspoiled12@msn.com
Posted by sammy; updated 02/11/04
Weel hey you gurl mine are also going to be there well if you dont know any guyz over there I suggest you to get profesional dancers in Mexico D.F they are really good at dancing and they move you good
Posted by ivet; updated 04/01/04
Hey urs r gona b in el d.f.? that koo. Email me at lilspoiled12@msn.com so we could tak. Aight laterzz ;D
Posted by sammy; updated 04/01/04