I only have three damas(my three best friends) and i know that at the quinceanera reception u`re supposed to introduce your corte de honor. So, i was wondering if i should still intorduce my damas even tho there are only three.
And also.......i know that i`m supposed to make a big entrance into the party so in was also wondering if my damas are supposed to enter with me and i was also wondering how they`re supposed to walk in (infront of me, in back of me, in a line, in a row, etc) THANX!!!!
Posted by rebeca; updated 02/06/04
I personaly think that you should because they are your damas right. And I think the big entrance is the damas walk in form in front of you then when they all are in they start playing a slow song and you come in with your chambelan or your dad either ine works.
Posted by ~~Bere~~; updated 02/13/04
Wut im gunna do is have my chambalains and damas go in front of me ,,,they stand in a line guys on the right girls on left like a bright (doesnt matter) then my mom and dad go under it then me and my chamalain then we dance then i go with my dad....ect...or u can have ur damas hold candels and u blow them out when ur dancin wit ur dad or chamalain....which eva is fine...aite? hope i helped bye..
Posted by jackie; updated 02/14/04