Quinceanera Questions
What is a good dance for the father/daughter dance?
What is the difference between a baltz and a waltz?
My colors are gonna be navy blue and white, any ideas?
Im probably gonna have 14 damas and 14 chambelanes, should I invite their parents?
I know that there is the changing of the shoes, any other traditions?
My theme is sort of gonna be like pachuco/gangsta. The guyz are gonna wear zoot suits, and Im gonna provide them with the dark sunglasses that they can wear during the dance and reception. Any other ideas that I can do?
Posted by Maribel; updated 02/06/04
Are u happy ha ha ha ha
Posted by Dark; updated 02/06/04
Hey wats up well since ur haven that gangster look u should have the guys give a flower to the girls while u guys start the baltz thats wat im doin and my colors r midnight blue and silver and the guys r goin to wear zoot suits with dark glasses but there goin to kiss the girl on the cheek to and im goin to have 14 damas and 14 chambelanes so 7 of the gurs r goin to wear blue and the other 7 wearin silver or white im still not sure about that but if u want to chat or somethin hit me up sometime SrLtns3@aol.com well lates much love
Posted by La Tiny; updated 02/07/04
Hey, for the damas/chambelanes thing if the parents are like realy close to u to, like if its one of ur best frends yea invite them why not, but if the ppl are just frends from school and u dont know the parents then wats the point...... But look if u guys are rehearsing the whole dancing part then the parents are gonna want them see them dance so it depends, i know another tradition is the sumthin called la corteja or sumthin and the guys i think the chambelanes all have a rose and supposedly there would be 15 and u go around and say hi to them and get ur roses then uhave 2 go give them 2 ur mom
Posted by karen; updated 02/08/04
A great color that goes well with white and blue is silver
And any secondary colors of blue.
Posted by Party Planner; updated 02/08/04
Other traditions arethe coronancion where u have to where a white lil gurls crown to the churh and torwards the end ur mom puts on ur corona de 15
Posted by maria; updated 02/10/04