
Does anybody know what i need padrinos for? my 2 other cousins who are having their 15 this year dont know exalty so it would help a lot if yall could help us.
Posted by **maria**; updated 01/30/04


Hey girl my quinceanera is in 3 weeks but anyway i only have padrinos for earrings, reloj,ring, bracelet, necklace with charm, cake, music. I think you need one also for muneca, cojin, rosario, ramo,photo album, salon, dress, music, caro, you know stuff like that that`s what i`ve seen people with padrinos for oh and de arco i only got the ones i told u bout. When`s your quinceanera??????????
Posted by lorena; updated 01/30/04


Well my 15 is december of this year but evveryone is telling me to start planning so i am! thanx for the help. Good luck with ur 15!!!!
Posted by **maria**; updated 01/31/04


Yeah the sooner the better good luck!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by lorena; updated 02/01/04


I didn`t know that you get pardinos for reloj and earrings?
Posted by CRYSTAL; updated 02/03/04


Hey Maria well you dont need all these different types of padrinos at least i dont cuz i feel bad when they are the guest and they have to pay for all these things so the only padrinos im gonna have are: padrinos de honor, de ramo natural, conjin, rosario y libro, and de album mostly all the church things only except one you can have more padrinos if you want its up to you but i hope i helped you ok well good luck on ur quince bye
Posted by Val; updated 02/08/04