Getting Married Auguest 28, 2004

This is my first marriage can you give me some pointer for the party , i am a christian and so is my bride too be and we do not want any thing that is not according too the will of God.
Posted by demetrius; updated 01/27/04


First off... Congrats on your up comming marriage .. I`m getting married myself on Aug 21st this year (looks like i`ll be beating you to the alter!!). As for your concern about the party, i understand completely!! However, just because pop cluture has made the event commonly filled with things better left unsaid, it doesnt mean that you have to follow this trend. When my friends got married last year my future husband was standing up for the groom. The groom had stated that he didn`t want any of the usual drinking and `goings on ` that accompanies this. So they had all of his friends over to the house for a guys night in... Lots of good food, some cheezy old japanese movies from the `70s that had bad voice overs, a coupld games of pool (and some other board game that i can`t remember the name of off the top of my head right now), and lots of good company. I guess he didnt feel the need for anything else... A kind of a `been there, done that, have no interest in doing it again, i`m marrying a great girl` kind of attitude. Does this help?.. Are your guidelines more strict than this.... Let me know!
Posted by stacey; updated 02/28/04