Quinceanera Less Father
I have gone through all the message ideas and found some great ideas, but I am a single mother. I see alot of Father/Daughter dances, changing of the shoes, etc. What do I do when the father not there?
Also, we are not having a court especially since my family and friends are on a budget. Simplicity is the major effect we are going for, but I really want to fill in the spaces where the Father/Daughter thing comes up and areas where the court dances and what not. What do I do? Please help!
Posted by Diane; updated 01/26/04
Since u are the one who raised her, yu could change the tradtion and have her dance with you!
Posted by christina; updated 01/26/04
My mom raused me and she`s the one who might dance with me you should have that special moment with your little girl have fun
Posted by jennifer; updated 01/27/04
My mom raised me and she`s the one who might dance with me you should have that special moment with your little girl have fun
Posted by jennifer; updated 01/27/04