Quinceanera Article In Ym Magazine
Has anyone else read this?
Posted by christina; updated 01/26/04
No i havent. What month/ issue of YM is it? I get them mailed to me every month so just tell me what page its on. Thx =)
Posted by teenuh; updated 01/26/04
Im not sure what page it on. I get mine mailed too. I dont think they put enough info on it. They said that "it is like a prom"
Posted by christina; updated 01/26/04
It is the march issue. I dont like the article. Im thinking of writing in and saying how they didnt say anything about the traditions....
Posted by christina; updated 01/27/04
Has anyone else read this? what do u think?
Posted by christina; updated 01/30/04
I read it it i have it in my hand right now you should write to them its on page 112-113 march issue
Posted by Gina; updated 02/02/04
I agree. I`m starting to plan for my Quinceanera and when I got the magazine, I was pysched thinking that it was going to have tons of pages on it, but if you put it all together you probably don`t even get a full page. They think that just putting a few words gives us a lot of help, but it doesn`t even talk about the traditions and real rituals. I think they should give examples, maybe even make it one of the top stories.
Posted by Ale; updated 02/02/04
I got it too thinking the same as everyone else but was disappointed. I had my 15 almost a year ago and i agree they didn`t cover the traditions and all. But think of this...they put the same information of the quinceanera as they did w/the bat mitzvah, the indian tradition, and the middle eastern tradition. Plus all quinceaneras are different in all countries so they couldn`t have covered all 19 countries.
Posted by *Jennifer*; updated 02/03/04
Also remember that YM`s purpose wasn`t to help you plan your quinceanera, si no para darles a otras personas a taste of how it is.
Posted by *Jennifer*; updated 02/03/04