Ma quincenera is in a month and sofar ALL i have are 2 chambelanes . Im really scared because i dont think we have enough time to learn and practice the vals . Before i had all tha chambelanes i was planning to have a tleast 6 chambelanes but dey all went down . In my family we are the youngest so i dont have alot of young cousins who could join me . But i only have 1 brother n 1 cuzin . Does n e 1 kno wut i can do wit da vals to learn b4 ma quince ?? write bak PLEASE !!!!
Posted by *LuCiTo*; updated 01/25/04
Yes there is a way you can learn a valz in less then a month specially since your not having a full court. Try maybe la de chayanne. Take a turn with dancing with each .If u need anymore ideas feel free to ask.
Posted by Jacqueline R; updated 01/25/04
Are you sure there aren`t going to be anymore chambes? but anyways you`ll learn the dance fine. When I did mine we only practiced it for 2 days and it came out really good. Good Luck!
Posted by Tania; updated 01/26/04
None of your home boyz will help you? Well if you have at least 4 chambelanes you can make a really nice valz. And about practice you can learn it quick especially since there are a few that have to practice.
Posted by Travieza; updated 01/26/04
Hey carnala was sup well wat u can do is just have ur chambelan well thats if u want so peace and hope u have it ur way and all good!@#@#!$
Luv caddy aka patricia
Posted by CADdy; updated 01/28/04