First Communion And Confirmation
My daughter will be turning 15 this year and we would like to have a Quinceanera for her. The problem is she has not had her first communion and confirmation and we have not found a way around it. What I mean is the churches that we have contacted so far all require this to be done and it takes at least 2 years.
Does any one know of an alternate solution?
Posted by Robert Diaz; updated 01/20/04
My sister had her first communion but not confirmation as long as she prove that she was enrolled in those classes they gave her the mass for her quince but she did have to attend a few classes and we moved her quince from april to July sometimes they dont want to budge and will not let you have it they say if she did not have those sacraments she can not have her mass
Some people opted for no mass and just have the party or get a wedding minister just to have a small mass at the Reception site some will do quinceaneras too hope that helps
Posted by marcie; updated 01/20/04
Well my quinceanera is on February 21, 2004 and i haven`t done my communion or confirmation either. But my father is willing to do my communion the same day of my quinceanera. Except i got to go to church class 3 times a week which is monday for communion.wednesday i go for a grupo of adolescentes that the padre has and wants me to go and on thursday i go for the charlas but after my 15 i got to go to classes on sundays for my confirmation. Where do u live? nobody will let you do what i`m doing. What if she goes to the classes for the adults. Well ask and find out?
Posted by lorena; updated 01/20/04
MY name is cristal. I`m going to be 15 and at my at school there goes a girl and her father is a papi and he gave me a big stack of the things need to do and i did them and now i can have a great quinceniara. My opinon is that your daghuter askes friends at she see if the can hook her up.
Posted by cristal; updated 03/03/04
I had the same problem. I checked the churches just like you did. I found that a non-denominational church will do the cermony but you will have to write your own cermony, I went to the library and they have books to can use to create your own cermony, good luck.
Posted by sonia; updated 03/05/04