Hey!.....ok im going to have a birthday party and its going to be co-ed its going to be at the local park near me. But i have no ideas what we will do there...iam going to be 14 and mostly everyone there is going to be 13 or 14 and my mom will be there..so...and IAM CLUE-LESS!!! please contact me if you have any ideas! and thanks a bundle if you do!!!!!!!!
Posted by Steph; updated 01/20/04


I`m having a party too next week and i`m turning 15, and its coed as well. My friends all love hide n` seek(i know that soudns childish...lol, but its great!) We usually go in coed groups of 2-4 to hide and its in the evening so it gets darker, so its harder to find ppl. With really good spots, its actually alotta fun! Just a suggestion..my friends grew up in the country so we might just be a little behind times(haha)
Posted by steph(as well:)); updated 01/20/04


Thanx!! lol well there isnt alot of hiding spots there now that i think about it....theres a volley ball, basketball, a lil park thingy and thats about it...and an open space o yeah tennis courts also...but i was thinking bout having a henna person come because everyone at my school really likes it....but also my boyfriend is going to be there....and so is my mom! lol so that will be a little complicated because she doesnt really like me having them but wont kill me...and i want it to be fun! but like no kissing or nething because my mom would flip...so if neone else has any ideas plz help and thanx other steph! lol
Posted by Steph; updated 01/21/04


Ok you need help well here is a good idea .......
You will be 14 do like I did have a few games like pin the tale on the birthday girls butt , twister , and bring a small radio so you and your friends can have a dance off.
Posted by Desire Burgess; updated 01/21/04