Handmade Papers Out Of Style For Invites?

I was just wondering what people thought about invites that have handmade paper that has leaves and flower petals pressed into it. Are they kind of out of style or percieved as being too expensive? I am trying to decide what to exhibit at my next bridal show. Please tell me what you think.
Thanks in advance!
Posted by Becky; updated 01/20/04


Invitations that look like a lot of work and thought put into them is always nice but when I look for invitiations, I do think of those as being pricy. I`m not much for the pressed leaves but some may like it, flowers and hearts are always good. Ribbon is great. A variety in color is the best, it needs to feel personal. I hope osme of this helps.
Posted by Erica; updated 01/21/04


I think the handmade petal papers are some of the most beautiful invitations available. I`m planning a wedding right now, so I don`t think they are "out of style." As for the pricing issue - I would think it depends. I do perceive them as being `expensive` but if you are buying invitations as opposed to making them yourself I think all are `expensive.`

I think there is still a market. :-)
Posted by BeckyB; updated 01/27/04


I like handmade papers, with the leaves & flowers pressed into them.
Posted by Missy; updated 03/19/04


I just think handmade paper invitations are over done. They are simple to come by and do yourself, to me they scream, Trendy! and the trend is coming to an end, hopefully.
Posted by Kate; updated 04/05/04