Help Me!
Ok, My theme for my Quince is Aladin. Im comin out of a lamp ist really cool!....OK! and i dunno what the colors should be. Would a gold color for my Dama`s dresses be tacky? should i have my dress traditonally white or a saphire blue or royal blu...or is that to much? Im soo CLueless! Help! and What are traditonal things that the court does other than the choreograph? i heard sumthing bout a candle thing or roses. SEE i have No idea what to do! Help! ASAP PLEASE!
Posted by Kristy; updated 01/17/04
Depending on your damas gold could be tacky but how about a gold that does not shine could look good you dress could be white with royal blue accents but not gold make sure you decide on only two colors to many would look like chilaquiles all mess up I love your themes is like a coming out party for you I once went to a quinceanera where they made a carriage or ball out of white piping and filled it around with tule and the quinceanera came out of it and started her vals it has awsome and for her sorpresa dance they dance to the fifitys dance send me your email and i will send you a picture
Posted by marcie; updated 01/18/04