Dress Colors
Well is this a good color combination...........well i simply LOVE the color babyblue so my dress is a really light baby blue....my damas dresses are a really pretty royal blue and for the guys there tux is white with a royal blue shirt under....d0se this sound nice?? i wanted my quince to be cinderella themed another option i was thinking is to have a white dress with some sort of baby blue on it and have the damas wear baby blue dresses and the guys would have a white tux with baby blue undershirt which 1 is nicer? option A or option B?
Posted by Jessica; updated 01/12/04
Well, for my cousin`s quinceanera the damas dresses were royal blue, her dress was baby blue, the chambelanes had black tux`s with blue vests/bow ties, and her chambelan de honor wore a white tux with baby blue vest,bow ties. It looked really nice. What date is your quinceanera?
Posted by christina; updated 01/12/04
Well my quince is on m arch 6:( i know we are planning everytingat last minute :( :( thankz for the advice!!!!
Posted by Jessica; updated 01/13/04
I only like option B better cuz i don`t really like colored dresses. Mine was white with baby yellow flowers on it and the damas wore baby yellow dresses and the guys wore black tuxes w/white sirts, ties and a yellow hankercheif. My guy wore the same thing cept his tux was white not black.
Posted by *Jennifer*; updated 01/13/04
I think that you should have option B b/c it`s the same way i`m having mine!!! your dama`s should DEFINANTLY match what you`re weaing if you wanna e-mail me, i`m at hottielala25@sbcglobal.net
P.s. My quince is in july of `04!
Posted by laura; updated 01/13/04
Hey antither ?... Do you think preparing 4 my quince now is last minute? my quince is march 6
Posted by Jessica; updated 01/13/04
Well u`ll defenitly have to hussle cuz it`s only about a month left. Why don`t u change the date for later??? my b-day was in december and i didn`t do my quince til may. It doesn`t have to be right around your birthday. Plus it gives u alot more time.
Posted by *Jennifer*; updated 01/13/04