14th Birthday

Hey! i`m turning 14 on saturday and i dont no what to do for my b-day!! i wanna have a party but i wanna do sumthing else then jsut sitting home with friends! Help me!
Posted by Chelsea; updated 01/11/04


U culd go to the movies or bowling. Or u culd just take everyone to the mall and eat ice cream and try on clothes that no one would ever buy-lol.
Posted by Shannon; updated 04/07/04


Hey a really cool thing that you could do is go to a club ( I mean if its cool with your parents) you know one of those teenage ones. I heard there actually pretty cool. Im thinking of going to one for my birthday . But yeah those are pretty cool or if not that, make it a day to hang with your friends hang at the mall, catch a movie, and just hang out.
Well whatever your gonna do have fun because its your birthday
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( ` ; `)
O Happy Birthday!
(") (")
Posted by Baby Gurl; updated 04/07/04


I am having my 14th b-day party/ sleepover...we are going to the movies but when we get back we will have nothing to do. There is goin to be 5 girls there including myself. No stupid games pleez. I need original games that are fun! Let me know ASAP!!
Posted by Shannon; updated 04/08/04