$$ Problems
My parents dont have alot of money but r willing to give me a 15eƱero. Please give me advice of cheap things I can do to still have fun on the very important day.
Posted by Ivi; updated 01/11/04
Please make sure you try to get a lot of things in the most inexpensive places such as Walmart Target or Family Dollar. Just keep in mind that were you shop does not mean that you do not want to spend, it is just that your parents are very limited. Ask for a small party only for the family. And in your area if there is a recreation center, sometime they charge like 50 per hour, also do not ask for shoes or surprise present , but if you want to ask for padrinos, make a list of all of your needs, and ask for sponsors, tell your mom and dad to askfor sponsors at work.
Let me know how it went
Dance instructor from dallas
Posted by victor; updated 01/11/04
Posted by baby bashs; updated 01/13/04
MY email address is ivi_morales_7@hotmail.com
Posted by ivi; updated 01/13/04
How many people are you going to have?
Posted by Sarita; updated 01/13/04
I`m kinda goin through the same thing... So listen up: instead of hiring mariachi, get a dj who charges less and plays more different types of music. That way u get more variety for a cheaper price. That`s wat i`m gonna do! my email adress is hottielala25@sbcglobal.net
Posted by laura; updated 01/13/04
It is every quinceanera`s dream to have a bash the day of the party. However, we have to be realistic. It is expensive to have a quinceanera. In Mexico, some people have their parties and they don`t spend that much, why, because they don`t worry about what people would think of their party, they just do it. One advise I will give to all future quinceaneras is, be smart, and try not to be demanding. You should be happy with the fact that your parents are willing to celebrate with you. This is how some Mexican families do it. Make a list of the most important factors of the party. I am talking about, food, a place for the party, a church, drinks, cake, and an unexpensive dress. For the chambelains, don`t make them rent a tuxedo, have them wear black pants, clean black shoes, a white shirt and a nice tie. For the pictures, don`t pay for it, have some friend with a nice camera take the pictures. There is always people with video recorders at the church and during the party, and sometimes those videos are better than the "professional" ones. If there is no money for the hall, do it a home. Don`t spend lots of money on decoration since they are nothing but thrash. Make a center piece only for those familes with invitation. Make your own invitations. You can find some good layouts on-line. Don`t spend hundreds in mariachis, buy a CD and enjoy, after all, they play the same songs all the time. Believe me, I have been in many at-home-parties and they are as fun as hall-parties. The thing is to have all your family and friends together. Get padrinos only for the basic things like church and cake. All the other, like shoes, muneca, and stuff are not necessary. Have fun, don`t stress about it, and most important, don`t be so picky, whatever your parents can give you will be enough. If you want some more ideas, email me, and if you live in southern california, I may end up teaching you the waltz for free. I have done it before. Good luck and Congrats to all of you.
Posted by Alejandro; updated 01/14/04