I need to look for a quinceanera stuff, does anybody know any good places in houston tx where i can find good quinceanera stuff, if so it would be a big help if you can can give me any advice or even website anything about anything that i need for a quinceanera
Posted by gigi; updated 01/10/04
Hey gurl!
I live close to H*town and i got all my stuff there. I know alot of good places to get quinceanera stuff cuz i jus had mine on December 26, 2003. I could help you out alot. Well holla lata dulce_2007@msn.com
Posted by Dulce; updated 01/10/04
Hey gurl.. Just go look at some flea markets they have allot of beautiful stuff for quinceranera`s u just gotta look..
Posted by ayla; updated 02/02/04
At the flea markets they have lots of xv stuff but more expensive but if u go to harwin and savoy in that area there is lot for a 15 and very cheap here in houston claudia
Posted by claudia; updated 04/14/04