If I Buy On Line Who Does My Alterations?

I just was thinking about purchasing a gown online but will it cost me more to do alterations on it if I take it to a store?
Posted by Shelley Ann; updated 01/09/04


My suggestion find a private seamstress. I bought my dress privatly and didn`t want to go to a local dress shop because I figured they would charge me a arm and a leg because of not purchasing the dress from them. So I found a local private seamstress to do all the alterations on my dress and the girls dresses in the wedding because I bought them privatly as well. The lady way in her late 60 `s and was just getting into building her buissness after loosing her husband and was a sweet old lady that worked for cheap! Thats my advise to look locally in your area before buying on line to ensure you get the best deal you can find. Heather in Pa.
Posted by Heather; updated 01/10/04