Quinceneara Themes
I`m interested in getting some ideas for quinceneara themes. My first daughter will be having hers in August 2004 and I want to start planning now.
Please give me any ideas you may have. Thx
EI - San Antonio
Posted by Evelia; updated 01/03/04
My sister is planning my quince...i don`t really have any connection to it....i mean im not spanish or anything...its just my bestest friend in the whole widest world is spanish and they suggested that i have one...is it right for me to have one...or would that be rude.....i dunno...and if i should have one.....it would be in august 04......i don`t know any themes.....i know the cereomonial type things.....but i just don`t know what theme to do....and i wouldn`t have damas or chambleans either....maybe just boys....i`ve been to two quince`s and im familiar with how they go....but i think i should have "my escort"......what do you all think....help please.....
Posted by Please Help...; updated 01/03/04