Oleg Cassini Wedding Gown
Looking for oleg cassini wedding gown CT109, the one with the champagne sash, at a better price than Davids. Does anyone know where else it can be found? Would really appreciate any help. This is for my daughter. Thanks!!
Posted by Robyn; updated 01/03/04
They have several cassini`s on ebay
Posted by Glenda; updated 01/03/04
Thanks Glenda, I checked it out but they did not have the one that she is looking for. I appreciate the tip anyway!
Posted by Robyn; updated 01/04/04
I am looking for a dress for my daughter too. I have been following the listings in ebay and have been surprised how many are listed. I have missed the one that my daughter wants twice in the past month. Once it never got up to the minimum bid and I was at work when the other one closed and got outbid. Hopefully, one will show up again before August. Good luck
Posted by Glenda; updated 01/04/04
I goofed on the dress #. It is CT039. I will keep checking on ebay but Glenda, if you see it before I do let me know, I would really appreciate it. She wants it so bad. We have until October. Let me know what dress you are looking for and I will keep my eye out as well! Thanks and Good Luck!
Posted by Robyn; updated 01/06/04
There are two on ebay right now. One is used, one is new.
Good luck
Posted by Susan; updated 08/24/04
I have one in a size 2. New with tags. Let me know if you are interested. Willing to sell for MUCH less than purchase price.
Posted by Monica; updated 08/24/04
I have the dress you are looking for in a size 10 (could easily be altered to fit sizes 8-12)!! Brand new, never worn or altered, still with original tags. Infact, the dress was sent to me directly from the David Bridal`s warehouse as they did not have the size I needed in their store, so it was never even used as a floor sample! I noticed your daughter`s wedding is in October, so you may have already found a dress, but if not I would be more than willing to answer any questions/ send pics, etc. I am selling for much less than the $950 I paid for it. Contact me asap with any equestions.
Posted by ali; updated 08/25/04
I have the exact Oleg Cassini dress in a size 4 unaltered and I am willing to sell it for $500 or BO. I decided on another dress and will need to sell this one.
Posted by Pradith; updated 08/26/04
Monica can you please send me pictures of your size 2 dress? arsmith@bellsouth.net
Posted by Amy; updated 09/02/04
Amy, I just emailed you pictures. Let me know if you did not receive them. Thanks.
Posted by Monica; updated 09/02/04
Monica, I gave you the wrong address. It should be arsmithau@bellsouth.net. Sorry about that. Thanks!
Posted by Amy; updated 09/02/04
Can Ali who posted message on 08/25/04 write to me, I am interested in her dress if she still have it. Nmunoz@uwm.edu
Posted by Natalia; updated 02/19/06